Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Some pictures from my trip: 
View of Australia from the plane 

One of the first things I saw to welcome me to Perth! :-) He came right up to me! Oh and he was wild!

At Hilary's Harbor. The first place I went to after arriving in Perth. It was a beautiful first day! 

Western Australia's state flower: Kangaroo Paw! I wonder where they get the name...

The Swan River from King's Park, a beautiful park over 1,000 acres! 


  1. What awesome pictures! Love following your Australian adventure!

  2. Thanks Savannah! I am glad to know you are enjoying it!! :-) I am trying to catch up to where I am at now... just a week or so behind!

  3. Aw! I love that you're doing your student teaching in Australia! I was close to getting a degree in EE, but changed at the last semester. I decided it wasn't right for me, but I totally understand the joy and motivation behind teaching! That's way awesome!
